
The CUTERA XEO laser combines the ideal wavelength for vascular treatments (Nd Yag 1064nm) with the most flexible parameters to safely and maximally treat a wide range of vascular disorders – from the finest vascular dilatations (telangiectasis, discrete venectasis from the face, the neckline) to the deepest, blue, cross-linking located in the lower limbs.

How does the CUTERA vascular laser work?

logo cuteraThe Xeo CUTERA system delivers short laser pulses that cause clotting of the blood inside the vessel, eventually destroying the vessel, which will then be resorbed by the body. Blood flow will be redirected to deep veins. You will be advised by the dermatologist to avoid exposure to the sun for at least 2 weeks after treatment and to avoid predisposing or aggravating factors that may lead to relapse.

Strictly follow the directions of the dermatologist!

How many treatments do I need?

Usually one treatment is sufficient, maximum two. However, the number of treatments required depends on the number, color and size of the vessels to be treated. The results vary individually. There are situations when a Doppler inferior limb ultrasound is recommended prior to laser treatment.  Patients with genetic predisposition to this condition may require adjuvant treatment recommended by the cardiologist.

Is the treatment painful?

Most patients experience a sting sensation at the impact of the laser pulse. The advanced cooling system of the laser provides sufficient anesthesia to make the treatment comfortable for the patient.

After treatment, the pain is minimal or non-existent.

What are the possible side effects?

The most common are the slight redness of the area and edema. These symptoms last less than 24 hours. In rare cases, bruising or vesiculation may occur.

When are the results visible?

Many patients notice a significant improvement in appearance after 4-6 weeks. However, the final result may not be visible until after a few months.

tratament-laser-vascularUseful tips for those prone to breakage / dilation of blood vessels:

  • Avoid exposure to sun or other heat sources (sauna, hot baths, warm wafers, etc);
  • Avoid aggressive massage (anti-cellulite) or body procedures involving vacuum and local warmth;
  • Avoid prolonged orthostatism or sitting position for a long time;
  • In the cold season, wear compressible medical stockings as directed by your doctor;
  • Avoid sports with a sudden stop on foot (jumping, tennis);
  • Practice sports that train calf muscles (swimming, cycling, running);
  • Ask your doctor for advice from the first signs of this condition.